by _comunica2punto0

#marketing Take Advantage of Your Summer Slowdown

In Marketing on 5 julio, 2017 at 23:24

As a Florida motivational speaker, I get to meet entrepreneurs and learn about businesses of all shapes and sizes. One thing I’ve been struck by over the years is just how many small businesses experience seasonal ebb and flow—a lot of busyness during one part of the year, followed by a relative lull.

Maybe your company notices seasonal spikes in its activity—and maybe your business, like many others, encounters something of a lull during the summer months. A summer lull can actually be a really positive thing—an opportunity to do things you just don’t have time for during your more hectic seasons. Let me offer just a few quick examples of how you can use the summer slowdown to your advantage.

Make Use of Your Summer Lull

Expand your knowledge base. Consider it your own personal form of summer school! Enroll in some classes through Advantage Continuing Education Seminars. Watch YouTube tutorials. Sign up for a local class, or simply get some good books to read! Teach yourself some of the skills or disciplines you’ve always wanted to master, but have never quite had the time for.

Get busy on social media. Rewrite all your company’s social media bios, optimizing for keywords and search phrases. Also take some time to write and schedule some upcoming posts, maintaining a healthy presence on Facebook, Twitter, and other valuable platforms.

Revisit your goals. Think about what you want to accomplish in the coming months and the coming year. Refine your goals, and list out concrete steps toward meeting them. Get input from your team, and make sure everyone’s aligned toward the same vision and objectives.

Invest in your team. Speaking of your team, the summer slowdown is an ideal time to engage them in a team-building exercise—a seminar or in-house learning opportunity, or simply a fun group activity. Do something to build team cohesion and culture.

Get ready for tax season. Really. Don’t wait until the last minute. Spend some time getting documents together now, and make your life that much easier come next year.

Reach out to your most loyal clients. Summer’s slowdown is a great time to send emails reconnecting with old customers and simply express your appreciation for their ongoing business.

Take time for you. Spend some time exercising, being with your family, or simply getting out of the office to restore your mental health.

Don’t Waste Your Summer Slowdown

Even when business tapers off a bit, you can still get plenty done. Use your summer slowdown wisely, with any of the suggestions I’ve offered here.

via Business Articles | Business 2 Community

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